Spartacus-Biomed a R&D Company


The world global market for in vitro diagnostic tests  is predicted to reach  a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12 % over the next five-year period.


Spartacus-Biomed business model is focused on biomarkers which are estimated to peak annual turnovers of up to 800 M€ in Europe. Indeed,  the biomarkers are being increasingly used to aid for diagnosis, to a much lesser extend for prognosis and to identify sub-populations with differing benefit-risk ratios. 


Spartacus-Biomed  is providing novel Biomarkers that will equip  physicians with tools to improve the early diagnosis, to identify patients at risk of developing diseases, and to characterize patient subsets with a greater likelihood of response to  preventive therapies.


This project is funded by Occitanie district.


© 2020.Spartacus-Biomed



Fiche de traçabilité

Traceability sheet




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This sheet will be used to inform us of any problems encountered with our products. You must keep it for the duration of use of the products. It summarizes the information relating to your order as well as the essential information related to the product (s). In order to inform us of any problems encountered, please complete the Table  below for this purpose and return this sheet to us by email to the following address:


Nom du produit : 

Product name: 


Date de réception de la commande : 

Order receipt date:


Numéro de bon de commande :

Purchase order number: 


Numéro de lot :

Lot number:


Numéro de la boîte (Numéros de l’étiquette holographique unique) :

Box number (Unique holographic label):


Remarques :
